Insurance Of AXA Mandiri |
AXA Mandiri Financial Services or better known by the name of AXA, AXA Mandiri Mandiri is one of life insurance has been around since 1991, and has its headquarters in Indonesia (Jakarta).
AXA Mandiri was originally named Staco Raharja Insurance, since from the very beginning stands in 1991 until 2002. From 2002 until 2004, the name of the company became an independent life insurance, and in 2004 the company changed its name to AXA Mandiri which is a joint enterprise between AXA and Bank Mandiri.
Products of AXA Mandiri are divided into two categories, specificallylife insurance and general insurance:
-Life Insurance
This insurance covers about financial planning and Protection Solution is best for you and your family.
-General Insurance
General insurance is divided into several categories such as Field Trip insurance, insurance for accident insurance for the self, property, insurance for motor vehicles.
A discussion of this self-contained AXA Insurance will be discussed further in the next post, hopefully these posts can be helpful regarding insurance that covers almost all.
Tags: AXA Mandiri insurance, general insurance, life insurance, Field Trip insurance, insurance for accident insurance for the self, property, insurance for motor vehicles.
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Title : Insurance Of AXA Mandiri
Description : Insurance Of AXA Mandiri AXA Mandiri Financial Services or better known by the name of AXA, AXA Mandiri Mandiri is one of life insuranc...
Description : Insurance Of AXA Mandiri AXA Mandiri Financial Services or better known by the name of AXA, AXA Mandiri Mandiri is one of life insuranc...